Regulatory Compliance Lead Safety

Lead Safety Training and Certification Courses in New Jersey

For workers, contractors and supervisors in the construction, painting or demolition industries within New Jersey, it’s important to know the correct safety procedures for working with lead or lead-based paint; it’s also the law. EPA regulations stipulate that individuals and companies who carry out abatement projects in pre-1978 target housing and child-occupied facilities must be certified and follow specific work practices. This rule is geared towards establishing safe practices in order to prevent lead poisoning. 

Furthermore, contractors who are involved in planning or overseeing lead-based paint projects must also be certified as lead abatement supervisors. For this reason, Access Training offers courses for both lead abatement workers as well as supervisors in addition to their respective refresher courses.

Please take a look at a summary of our lead safety courses below.

EPA/OSHA Lead Abatement Worker (Housing/Public Buildings)

This course provides comprehensive hands-on instruction regarding the procedures and various on-site work practices used in lead abatement. As a result, it fulfills the EPA training requirements for workers who carry out lead abatement activities for housing and public buildings under the direction of certified lead abatement supervisors.

Topics covered include types of lead and their applications, health effects and the history of lead, current state and federal regulations, methods of lead detection, proper worker protection equipment, and creating a lead-safe containment area. After completing this four-day course, workers will know how to identify potential health hazards and how to work efficiently in a way that protects themselves and the public from exposure.

Every two years workers are required to complete a refresher course which updates them on information from their initial course such as abatement hazard reduction strategies, the properties and health effects of lead, and respiratory protection programs.

These individuals must be recertified before their current certification expires if they want to continue performing lead-based paint activities for housing and public buildings.

EPA/OSHA Lead Abatement Worker (Commercial Bldgs/Superstructures)

Similar to the abatement worker course for housing and public buildings, this four-day course is required who perform lead abatement in commercial buildings and superstructures. For workers in southern New Jersey, it provides the same type of comprehensive hands-on training as the course above and the same basic topics. Those who complete this program will also receive a second certificate for OSHA Lead-In-Construction Training. This course is geared mainly towards individuals who work on superstructures with bridge, overpass, and tank painting contractors. We also offer a refresher course for individuals who are due to renew their certification.

EPA/OSHA Lead Abatement Supervisor (Housing/Public Bldgs)

Along with the workers, anyone who supervises lead abatement projects for housing and public buildings must also undergo specific training. In addition to lead abatement, this course covers advanced topics regarding site supervision such as regulatory record keeping and review, specifications and contract documents, insurance and bonding, legal issues and supervision techniques.

Supervisor trainees must also provide proof of education and/or experience to obtain the state license or permit.

For this reason, a permit will only be issued to applicants who meet the following requirements:

1. A minimum of one (1) year experience as a lead abatement worker, and

2. A minimum of two (2) years of experience in a related field or the construction trades.

EPA/OSHA Lead Abatement Supervisor (Commercial Bldgs/Superstructures/OSHA Lead Competent Person)

We also offer a four-day training course for lead abatement supervisors for commercial buildings and superstructures.  A second certificate for OSHA Lead Competent Person Initial will also be provided upon successful completion of this program. Trainees must also provide proof of education and/or experience to obtain the state license or permit here as well.

In addition, Access Training also offers refresher courses for contractors in the Philadelphia area who need to maintain their accreditation as Lead Abatement Supervisors. These courses involve a complete review of all lead abatement and regulatory guidelines.


Our Happy Clients

Besides being a very relaxed atmosphere, the training was very helpful. Instructor was very informative and I took a lot away from this training.
Earl L.