Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor Resume Information

Below you may find information pertaining to submitting a resume to the State of New Jersey to assess eligibility for a Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor license. Quoted from the state:

"Hi Mark,


This is regarding Initial Inspector/Risk Assessor (IRA) applicants. Due to the new DCA law we’re all seeing an influx of new IRA applicants. Some of them have no related experience that would qualify them for an IRA permit. Experience in business, biology lab work, selling real estate, etc., does not qualify them for the permit.  Building inspections, environmental testing and inspections, health/safety inspection work, etc. (see below)  are all considered acceptable related experience.


If any of your students are not sure if they are qualified for an IRA permit, we recommend that they send a detailed resume (must include dates worked and a description of their work duties) and copies of any related certifications to iep.program@doh.nj.gov.


In the subject line, they need to  put “Need Pre-Qualification Review for Lead IRA Permit” and it will be forwarded to someone who will review it and let them know whether they qualify for the IRA permit or not.


Below are the requirements for an IRA permit:


Initial Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor Applicants must provide proof of the following:

1. Proof of passing 2-part third-party state examination

2. Education and Experience - must provide proof of one of the following:

·         Bachelor’s degree and two (2) years of experience in a related field*

·         One (1) year of experience* and proof of certification as Registered Environmental Health Specialist (formerly sanitary inspector-grade 1), health officer, an industrial hygienist, an engineer, a registered architect, or environmentally-related scientific experience in a related field (such as asbestos, lead, environmental remediation, building inspectors, construction-related health, safety inspections, etc.)

·         A high school diploma (or equivalent) and three (3) years of experience in a related field*

*Related experience means experience in asbestos, lead, environmental remediation, construction-related health and safety inspections, or other types of environmental or inspection-type work.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.




Cynthia Mitchell
Environmental & Occupational Health Assessment Program
135 E. State Street, PO Box 369
Trenton, NJ  08625

Telephone: 609-826-4950
Fax: 609-826-4975
web: www.nj.gov/health/ceohs "

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